Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Extremadura: Just like Idaho

It's true... It's a bunch of farmland, mountains, and John Deere Tractors.

Extremadura is on the far east side of Spain-closest to Portugal. It could be called Extremadure because it's way out in the boonies of Spain, but I decided it's called Extremadura because it's extremely hot.

Anyway, we visited three cities while we were there: Mérida, Cáceres, and Truijillo.


The best examples of Roman Architecture in Spain are here:
The Roman Amphitheater-It's been around since about 17B.C!!

This is where the gladiators fought. And also me and Isabel.

But we made it out alive--only to pose as Muses next...

We also saw the Roman Theatre, and after walking around for what seemed like forever, we ran into the Temple of Diana


Oh, and we found out that in Extremadura, the siesta is still going strong. We got kicked out of the Museum of Roman Architecture BEFORE 3 so by three, there was nobody in the building--or the street.
We're not in Madrid anymore!

Our next stop was Cáceres. Here this city can boast one of the most well-preserved "barrios" in the country. Looking at the skyline of the "old" Cáceres, there's not one modern building. So cool!

There's also a huge wall that surrounds the entire old "barrio." We enjoyed climbing that and of course taking pictures-of each other taking pictures.



Our last stop was Trujillo. It's the home of Francisco Pizarro: the one who conquered Peru. And for that, the city has this monument set up for him:

We also climbed the castle here...

...mostly pretended like we were storming the castle, and thinking about how awesome it would be to wake up to this view everyday:

Oh, I forgot to mention that along the way up the hill to the castle, we decided to taste some prickly pear that happened to be waiting for us on the side of the path...

Surprisingly it was pretty good, but the only drawback is that you have to be super careful of the pricklies. 

Basically, our first trip was a success!! More to come!

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