Sunday, August 29, 2010

The fair is where it's at!

Yesterday was our first opportunity to enjoy the nightlife of Spain--so  eight of us went to la ferias (the fair). It was easy to find because that's what everyone was doing last night so we just had to follow the crowds and listen for the music.

La ferias is very similar to our state/county fairs, right down to the rides...


the food...

(chocolate covered churros-fried of course)

and the cheapy games that always scam you...

It was alot of fun, and I even rode one of the rides.

I said to myself, I'm only in Spain this once. Why not ride on one in Spain and only Spain? So, this one was called "flec flac" and it's the first and last fair ride for me! The entire time I was thinking about the possibility of us flying off into the night sky, never to be seen again... 

The fair has been going on for about 2 weeks and is put on in honor of "los Santos Niños" which I think just means that they celebrate the children. I'm not exactly sure what that means except that they have a lot of activities for youth-concerts, parades, and the activities at the fair and also that the kids are featured in shows and stuff.

Anyway, tonight is the last day of the fair, so we're going to take a walk down to the plaza (the middle of the town where everything happens) and see the closing parade and fireworks. ¡VIVA ESPAÑA!

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