Monday, August 30, 2010

So I might actually need to study just a little bit...

So today was our first day of classes here in Alcalá--yes now we actually have to study...

The day started out alright. We weren't exactly sure what building we were going to be in, but we had a general idea and apparently we found it alright because we found other people from our group inside. We got there on time, only nobody told us where our classes would be so most of us were just waiting in the foyer of the building until some lady noticed us and told us where to go. I've realized that a central theme of our study abroad is that we "figure things out as we go."

Our maestra is super funny and relaxed, and so the class (spanish literature) sounds like it will be fun and not too hard. Her name is Vega, by the way, and that's how we address her.

So my second class is a grammar class--and there are only three of us. So Vega told us that we'll just work on whatever we seem to struggle with and that we might not even have a book. She laughed at our attempts to make our "j's" sound Spanish but said that our accents aren't too bad, at least not as bad as the Britons that she taught this summer. However, we took a quiz to see how what aspects of grammar we need to work on.  We all left the room and immediately turned to each other and said "I don't know Spanish!"

We decided to have a frantic study session right after lunch, so we had to skip our siesta. (I'm becoming pretty dependent on those) We ended up doing more talking and laughing in English than actually studying...Oh yeah, and taking pictures...

              This is the only one that's worthy of the blog :D

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